Jazykovétesty.cz ONLINE

Užívání slovesných časů


Use the verbs in the correct forms (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous).

  1. Yesterday we (play) football all afternoon.
  2. I (live) here for ten years.
  3. Last Monday, she (start) to learn Spanish.
  4. He (break) his arm and now he is at the hospital.
  5. We often (have) dinner at home.
  6. But last evening, we (have) dinner at our friends.
  7. Do not disturb me. I (have) lunch at the moment.
  8. They (work) hard and so they are very tired now.
  9. We (meet) each other many years ago.
  10. They (watch) TV when the phone rang.
  11. While Peter was reading the newspaper, his wife (prepare) the dinner.
  12. I (wait) here for an hour.
  13. I (see) her today.
  14. He (leave) a few minutes ago.
  15. She (work) on her project now.


Přidáno:9.srpna 2009 23:01
Naposledy otevřeno:27.července 2024 5:46
Obtížnost:Mírně pokročilý / B1-B2

Online testy: Nedávno zhlédnuté , Nejoblíbenější , Nejnovější , Náhodné, Vyhledávání

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