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Velký rozřaďovací test (Placement test) úrovní Elementary až Pre-Intermediate varianta B


Tento test ve dvou variantách (A, B) prověří úroveň vašich jazykových znalostí v 80 úlohách. Zapište písmeno jediné správné možnosti. Při úspěšnosti nad 80% patříte do vyšší uvedené úrovně. Vyzkoušejte pak také i druhou variantu tohoto testu.

1 If you throw a rock into the water, it __________. A sinks B sank C sunk D is sinking

2 What __________ you do if there is a thunder storm? A shall B will C are D have

3 When it snows we __________ outside. A go B went C are going D goes

4 __________ my parents live in Australia. A Neither B Both C Any D None

5 There aren’t __________ cars in the car park today. A much B some C many D none

6 Sorry, we have __________ fresh eggs. A no B none C any D nothing

7 Sorry, I __________ here on Monday. I have to go to the dentist. A is B ‘m C ‘ll be D won’t be

8 I __________ 40 years old in 2030. A is B am C will be D am being

9 I __________ them since they went to Norway. A haven’t seen B didn’t see C wasn’t seen D won’t see

10 I haven’t eaten any meat __________ I became a vegetarian. A since B after C until D before

11 How are you? I haven’t seen you __________ a long time? A since B after C before D for

12 Who __________ the housework in your house? A makes B does C has D gets

13 If I lost my wallet, I__________ the police. A phone B ‘m phone C ’ll phone D ’d phone

14 Would you go to the moon if you __________ the chance? A have B had C has D will have

15 If I didn’t like flying, I __________ be a pilot. A won’t B haven’t C didn’t D wouldn’t

16 If she __________ recharge her battery, she won’t be able to use her CD player. A doesn’t B isn’t C hasn’t D wasn’t

17 I __________ to your party, if you don’t want me to come. A ’ll come B ’m coming C won’t come D don’t come

18 Who __________ you talk to, when you have a problem? A did B do C does D will do

19 Excuse me? Can I buy __________ fresh eggs please? A a few B less C a bit D a little

20 Have you __________ finished your homework? A complete B completed C full D completely

21 Are you three girls __________ in the back of the car? A comfort B comfortable C comforted D comforting

22 The play was very long and we were very __________. A bored B boring C bore D boredom

23 Josef Stalin __________ in this house when he was a child. A had lived B used to live C would live D lives

24 Jack __________ blue jeans when I saw him. A wore B was wearing C has worn D wears

25 They arrived after the film __________. A finished B had finished C was finished D finish

26 She can’t swim in the race because she __________ her arm. A broke B has broken C breaks D is breaking

27 I __________ Russian because I lived in Moscow for ten years. A understand B ’m understanding C to understand D ‘ll understand

28 Sigmund Freud __________ in Austria. A was born B is born C born D to be born

29 __________ anything about astronomy? A Do you know B Are you know C Have you know D Do you knowing

30 They told me __________. A to relax B relaxing C relax D relaxed

31 My parents told me __________ worry about my school work. A not to B not C don’t D don’t to

32 This is the diamond __________ was stolen in 2005. A what B who C where D which

33 Bono comes from Ireland, __________ he? A isn’t B doesn’t C hasn’t D didn’t

34 Don’t start cooking the rice until I __________ you. A will phone B ’m phoning C phoned D phone

35 I’ll come and see you after I __________ my supper. A finished B will finish C have finished D finishes

36 What time did you __________ go to sleep when you were twelve years old? A must B should C have to D ought to

37 How __________ have you had this coat? A much B far C long D time

38 The race __________ by Ken Good in 42.9 seconds. A was won B has won C is won D had won

39 We __________ French by Madame Fé, the French teacher. A teach B were taught C learnt D taught

40 He __________ in this house until he died in 2004. A lives B has lived C lived D living

41 Look at that man in his Porsche. He __________ be very rich! A should B can C must D may

42 She’s very young to be a Senior Surgeon. She’s only in her __________ thirties. A later B late C lately D latest

43 Is your hair __________ or straight? A curls B curled C curly D curling

44 __________ United States consists of fifty independent states in a Federation. A The B — C A D An

45 He is __________ officer in the Royal Air Force. A the B — C a D an

46 Niagara is the largest waterfall in __________ North America. A the B — C a D an

47 In fifty years from now, the earth __________ much warmer. A is B be C will be D is being

48 We __________ to Costa Rica for our holidays next June. I’ve already booked a hotel in San José. A ’ll go B ’re going C go D went

49 The grass in front of her office __________ for two months! A hasn’t cut B hasn’t been cut C didn’t cut D not cut

50 She went to the salon __________. A to make her hair cut B to be her hair cut C to do her hair cut D to get her hair cut

51 The thief __________ by a security guard. A was watching B was be watched C was been watched D was being watched

52 All the children __________ presents by their parents. A give B were giving C gave D were given

53 I __________ of spiders. A frighten B am frightened C am frightening D frightened

54 She hurt __________ when she was sky diving. A herself B itself C himself D myself

55 They love __________ very much and they are going to get married. A others B themselves C himself D each other

56 “I’d like to introduce __________. My name is Kate James.” A myself B yourself C me D ourselves

57 You look very tired. __________ you been working too hard? A Did B Was C Have D Are

58 I __________ Oliver Twist for two weeks but I haven’t finished it yet. A ’ve read B ’ve been reading C read D ’m reading

59 In the evenings, we used to sit around the piano and our mother __________ our favourite songs. A played B would play C plays D will play

60 When I got back, I saw that my sister __________ all the chocolates! The box was empty! A had eaten B has eaten C ate D eats

61 I couldn’t take any pictures because I __________ my camera in my car. A ’d left B ‘m leaving C to leave D ’ve left

62 I’d make you some tea but I forgot __________ some tea bags. A to buy B bought C buying D buy

63 I wish I __________ understand Arabic! A could B would C able D can

64 __________ she is only 13, she is an expert pianist and has played with orchestras on TV! A Because B Although C Despite D Even

65 Don’t stop __________ you have finished the test! A from B since C until D to

66 They wanted to know how heavy I __________ so they weighed me. A have B have been C had D was

67 How long __________ in Colombia? – Almost two years, now. A are you living B have you been living C will you be living D did you live

68 At the job interview, they asked me where I __________ for the last two years. A work B ‘ll work C had been working D ’m working

69 The doctor asked me what I __________ when I cut my leg. A doing B had been doing C have been doing D ‘m going to do

70 Mrs Francis said she __________ help me with sewing. A would B need C ought D is able

71 She told me that she __________ her car when she was driving to the shops. A was crashing B had been crashed C had to crash D had crashed

72 He wouldn’t have become a successful lawyer if he __________ hard at school and passed his exams. A hadn’t worked B had worked C didn’t work D worked

73 She __________ a great violinist if she hadn’t had the accident. A will have been B will be C had to be D would have been

74 If I hadn’t got married when I was eighteen, I __________ to college to become a vet. A ’d go B ’d have gone C ‘ll go D was going

75 She … write her name until she was twelve __________. A can’t B couldn’t C hadn’t D isn’t

76 It was a cool day when they returned, so they __________ switch on the air conditioning. A had to B weren’t able to C can’t D didn’t have to

77 Simon hates everything. He must be very __________. A cheerful B comfortable C miserable D positive

78 That __________ Tom Cruise — not in this small town! A mustn’t be B mightn’t be C can’t be D shouldn’t be

79 Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It __________ rain! A must B can C ought D may

80 I feel so sleepy! I __________ such a big lunch! A mustn’t have eaten B shouldn’t have eaten C wouldn’t have eaten D couldn’t have eaten


Přidáno:8.června 2015 14:35
Naposledy otevřeno:22.října 2024 7:26
Obtížnost:Mírně pokročilý / B1-B2

Online testy: Nedávno zhlédnuté , Nejoblíbenější , Nejnovější , Náhodné, Vyhledávání

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