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Agatha Christie – Queen of Crime

Everyone loves a good murder mystery, (1) (SPECIAL) if it is easy to read and holds its secret right up to the end. This is the formula that proved to be so (2) (SUCCESS) for Agatha Christie. Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie wrote more than 70 detective novels and several plays. However, behind her 4,680,000 words was a (3) (PAIN) shy woman whose life was often lonely and (4) (HAPPY).

In 1914, at the (5) (BEGIN) of World War I, she married Captain Archibald Christie. While he was serving in France, she volunteered as a nurse working in a hospital dispensary in Torquay. Her experience working in a hospital gave her (6) (KNOW) about methods of poisoning which she later used in some of her detective (7) (STORY).

Her (8) (MARRY) to Captain Christie was a disaster. In 1926, Agatha Christie suffered a (9) (NERVE) breakdown and one night, after a car accident, she (10) (APPEAR). She went missing for 11 days and was (11) (FINAL) found in a hotel in Harrogate, in the North of England. Soon after this episode, Agatha separated from her husband and they divorced in 1928.

Agatha developed a very bitter (12) (FEEL) towards the media, because the newspapers had given her a hard time over her breakdown. She (13) (LIKE) the media so much, that she was determined never to let them enter her private life again and she buried herself in her work.

Her second husband, Sir Max Mallowan, was a well-known archaeologist and she accompanied him on his many expeditions in Iraq and Syria. By staying out of the limelight, she found (14) (HAPPY) with her beloved husband. She (15) (DIE) in 1976 at the age of 86.


Přidáno:29.prosince 2008 22:29
Naposledy otevřeno:27.července 2024 10:14
Obtížnost:Pokročilý / C1-C2

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