Jazykovétesty.cz ONLINE

Zájmena - procvičování


Fill in the pronouns.

  1. Have you hurt ? No, I am OK.
  2. This is my best friend. We have known for a long time.
  3. do you prefer, an opera or a play?
  4. His brother, lives with his parents, is a doctor.
  5. Is there anybody here name has not been called?
  6. He speaks five foreign languages, is necessary for this job.
  7. I am afraid we cannot rely on he has promised.
  8. Would you like more coffee?
  9. The map of London can be bought in bookshop.
  10. does the book deal with?
  11. He has two brothers. I have seen of them in the town.
  12. Is there any possibility?
  13. We need week to finish the work.
  14. Only one review was negative, the described this book of poems as a success.
  15. One cannot do everything .


Přidáno:9.srpna 2009 23:00
Naposledy otevřeno:27.července 2024 1:54
Obtížnost:Pokročilý / C1-C2

Online testy: Nedávno zhlédnuté , Nejoblíbenější , Nejnovější , Náhodné, Vyhledávání

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