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Ustálená předložková spojení – slovesa+podst. jm. 2 / Prep. phrases – Verb+noun+prep. 2


Doplňte do každé věty správnou předložku (for, with, from, in, at, off). / Complete each sentence with the correct preposition (for, with, from, in, at, off).

Verb + noun + preposition 2

  1. You make an advantage a job as a secretary.
  2. You make arrangements the party next week.
  3. You make a change repairing the broken door.
  4. You make contact a customer by phone.
  5. You make friends other members of the class.
  6. You make a recovery a serious illness.
  7. You make room an extra person at table.
  8. You take the blame what went wrong.
  9. You take the credit making the party a success.
  10. You take an interest the project.
  11. You take a look some important papers.
  12. You take your mind what happened.
  13. You take part a competition.
  14. You take great pleasure presenting her with her prize.
  15. You take pride showing the model you’ve made.


Přidáno:27.ledna 2009 22:39
Naposledy otevřeno:27.července 2024 4:54
Obtížnost:Pokročilý / C1-C2

Online testy: Nedávno zhlédnuté , Nejoblíbenější , Nejnovější , Náhodné, Vyhledávání

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