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Předložkové vazby (on) / Phrases with "on"


Doplňte vhodný výraz. / Complete each sentence to create a correct phrase.


  1. The trip is to do with my job. I‘ll be away ON  .
  2. She’s got two years to pay. She’s buying it ON  .
  3. He has to be careful what he eats. He’s ON  .
  4. I can see flames. The building must be ON  .
  5. She’s going to walk. She’s getting there ON  .
  6. The hall was well protected. There were soldiers ON  .
  7. More people are being attacked. Violence is ON  .
  8. Somebody’s borrowed the book. It’s out ON  .
  9. He’s thinking about something. There’s something ON  .
  10. He doesn’t need any help. He can do it ON  .
  11. He’s always ringing up somebody. He’s always ON  .
  12. That was no accident! She did that ON  .
  13. They broadcast his speech. I heard it ON  .
  14. You can still buy it. It’s still ON .
  15. They stopped work in protest. They all went ON  .


Přidáno:27.ledna 2009 23:47
Naposledy otevřeno:14.října 2024 16:59
Obtížnost:Pokročilý / C1-C2

Online testy: Nedávno zhlédnuté , Nejoblíbenější , Nejnovější , Náhodné, Vyhledávání

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