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Ustálená předložková spojení – slovesa+podst. jm. 3 / Prep. phrases – Verb+noun+prep. 3


Doplňte do každé věty správnou předložku (with, of,off, on, to,for, from, in). / Complete each sentence with the correct preposition (with,of,off, on, to, for, from, in).

Prepositional phrases 3

  1. I´ve still got to make all the arrangements   the party next week.
  2. He refused to take all the credit the success and said that it had been a team effort.
  3. Many local people have taken an active interest  plans to bring live music back to the town.
  4. For the first few months he took great pride  showing people around his new house.
  5. I watched a comedy programme to try and take my mind  what had happened.
  6. Why should I take the blame the mix-up?
  7. We´ve moved the wardrobe to make room an extra bed.
  8. We don´t make a charge repairs if the item is still under guarantee.
  9. She´s agreed to take part next month´s show.
  10. The train arrived at 7.30 as expected. It came  time.
  11. They took her to court. They put her trial.
  12. He´s left home. He´ll be here shortly. He´s  his way.
  13. Nobody spoke. They all listened silence.
  14. She was crying her eyes out. I found her  tears.
  15. We got there before the train left. We arrieved  time.


Přidáno:8.března 2009 14:03
Naposledy otevřeno:27.července 2024 5:16
Obtížnost:Pokročilý / C1-C2

Online testy: Nedávno zhlédnuté , Nejoblíbenější , Nejnovější , Náhodné, Vyhledávání

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