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And - But - Or


Multiple-choice test: choose the correct answer.

  1. The bus stopped the man got off. a) and, b) but, c) or
  2. We stayed at home ate there. a) and, b) but, c) or
  3. I wanted to buy a newspaper didn't have enough money. a) and, b) but, c) or
  4. He's so nice he doesn't have enough money. a) and, b) but, c) or
  5. Do you want tea coffee? a) and, b) but, c) or
  6. Is the Empire State Building in New York London? a) and, b) but, c) or
  7. Is it a new house an old house? a) and, b) but, c) or
  8. I enjoy visiting many different countries I wouldn't want to live overseas. a) and, b) but, c) or
  9. We can go by bus we can walk. a) and, b) but, c) or
  10. I can't remember his face I know his face from somewhere. a) and, b) but, c) or
  11. I can´t see any eggs we have a lot of other food in the fridge. a) and, b) but, c) or
  12. Either you do what I am saying I am leaving. a) and, b) but, c) or
  13. I can remember him dancing I have no idea what his name was. a) and, b) but, c) or
  14. We can have fish chips, the traditional English meal. a) and, b) but, c) or
  15. You should go apologise for what you had done. a) and, b) but, c) or


Přidáno:7.května 2009 23:20
Naposledy otevřeno:27.července 2024 10:31
Obtížnost:Mírně pokročilý / B1-B2

Online testy: Nedávno zhlédnuté , Nejoblíbenější , Nejnovější , Náhodné, Vyhledávání

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